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  • __OrionTheRed__ [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm a firm believer that the split in the modern era is contrived and only serves to undermine the movement. Like whatever split there may be seems to come down to historical animosity and tactics. If the anarchists want to start building socialism in the streets from the ground up and the MLs want the vanguard party to seize the government and build socialism from the top down, why not do both at the same time and squeeze capitalism from both sides? Capital's primary defenses are to either run to the state and get it to fight against grassroots movements on its behalf or to fund astroturf movements to undermine state reforms - so if the anarchists have the loyalty of the grassroots and the MLs have control of the state, that cripples capital's defenses against us. Far from opposing ideals, I think our differences are the key to future victory

      4 years ago

      ground up guerrilla attack on the bourgeois hegemon through protracted people’s war

      Zapatista/Shining Path synthesis is coming