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  • Pavlichenko_Fan_Club [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    In my experience it really is just an online phenomenon. And that is not to say that this division did not exist historically (it did), or that it was the result of everyone being wrong (they probably weren't). What I think in terms of the left in america is that this 'offline unity' is largely a result of the underdeveloped popular theory on the situation here. That is, people unconsciously act together despite claiming to have irreconcilable beliefs in largely historical viewpoints because they simply realize what the situation demands. More often than not people will go 'well Marx said / well Kropotkin said / well Lenin said' without first asking themselves the question: 'does this apply?' Sectarianism turns what was the result of a method into a doctrine. We cannot repeat the past, we shall not repeat the past, we cannot just take crystalline ideas and transport them into our time. In this sense theory is much more about writing than reading; 'a ruthless critique of everything existing' and whatnot. I don't know I'm loosing creative steam rn. Thoughts?

    • MeatLessinSeattle [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I agree 100%. When you're out there today with organizers and activists putting in the work, you see a hell of a lot less infighting and dumb counter productive bullshit. The material conditions in America in 2020 demand something new.

      All of the people who are anti-capitalist and believe that the value of a human being is in being human, not how much they can sell their labor for, we are all allies in the class struggle. We don't have time to debate endlessly over minutae because many crisis are converging at once in our time.

      Climate change is continuing to accelerate and cause increasingly worse annual weather events. Hurricanes are beginning to form in the Gulf of Mexico (2 at a time which has never been seen before), a pandemic is still ravaging the nation and because of it the prison labor population (used as firefighters) of California cant mobilize so half their state is on fire. Be cause of the pandemic and an uncaring government we also will soon have millions of people removed from their homes and left to fend for themselves during a time already seeing heightened street violence because of a mass uprising against the police state.

      We need plans to deal with what is before us, not what has happened in the past. This situation is entirely unprecedented and calls for many types of action. MLs, Ancoms, MLMs, Libsocs, Demcons, whatever you claim to be, you are needed right now. Now, right now is the time to be organizing and to literally be in the street fighting for a better world.