I've always read it as at least a little bit a comment on the Iraq war, but what's it's deal? It's the only anime I can think of that climaxes with a military coup, and its cool that mustang wants to put people on trial for war crimes, but then he gets in power and doesn't do it.

It's also just got a whole plotline about racism, but it feels slightly off? Like minorities are okay if they save your life.

    • Alex_Jones [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The first anime finished before the manga did and so the showrunners tried to wrap it up and went with the FMA setting having the real world as a parallel Earth.

      Then the movie conclusion takes place a few years later in the lead up to world war 2. Ed gets stuck in real world Germany and befriends the parallel universe version of his brother.

      There are references to the ishval people being Romani on earth, with lust's human version showing up somewhere. The last bits are hazy, but Ed runs afoul of the Thule Society and prevents the nazis from winning world war 2 with alchemy.

      After they took the reins from the author, it just felt like they were trying to be edgy. They subject a character to sexual violence for example.