From the industrial scale pig torture infrastructure that was already here.
That's exactly my point.
Scolding people into eating their beans has been going great so far.
Stating that we don't need to grow animal proteins inside plants for beans to be good is not the same thing as scolding people for not eating their beans.
All I'm trying to say is that I think we shouldn't be growing or using the meat industries to develop alternatives to animal products, and I am quite confident that there is more profit to be made for moolec if they continue trading with meat processors (both to acquire new animals for testing and dna extraction, and also in supplying meat processors with cheaper protein) than if they were to immediately halt any further development that depends on growing or harvesting new animals and only grow or sell from seed stock they've developed so far.
It’s Wired: of course it’s going to be riddled with blind support for capitalism.
From the industrial scale pig torture infrastructure that was already here.
Scolding people into eating their beans has been going great so far.
That's not vegan, did you get lost?
That's exactly my point.
Stating that we don't need to grow animal proteins inside plants for beans to be good is not the same thing as scolding people for not eating their beans.
All I'm trying to say is that I think we shouldn't be growing or using the meat industries to develop alternatives to animal products, and I am quite confident that there is more profit to be made for moolec if they continue trading with meat processors (both to acquire new animals for testing and dna extraction, and also in supplying meat processors with cheaper protein) than if they were to immediately halt any further development that depends on growing or harvesting new animals and only grow or sell from seed stock they've developed so far.