corona-whitehouse covid-cool biden-harbinger corona corona-and-lime

We did it!

And we are probably a week away from the peak.


This is what we call an "exit wave", meaning we have reached super-herd-immunity!

Here's to another year of unpredictible worldwide waves and rapid mutations making vaccines obsolete before they are rolled out.

For financial reasons we shall now refer to it as an Endemic+ virus.

I look forward to having all mention of it in the news disappear as we get closer to next election.



  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    9 months ago

    I got naturally boosted in november because my partner caught it from work even though they were wearing a mask. Thanks antimaskers, very cool stuff!

    I tested positive 2 days before my UNNATURAL pharma booster was scheduled. sick for about 3 weeks, but i fully recovered, luckily. Checkmate liberals, i avoided a few hours of mild arm pain for the low low cost of being sick for 3 weeks and rolling the dice on chronic illness


    now i gotta wait a few months before i can get the real booster, fun times

    everyone should get their booster asap if they haven't already, for real serious tho for real for real