I just checked it for the first time in ages and we've got:
- /r/WinStupidPrizes
- /r/Cringetopia
- /r/JusticeServed
- /r/IdiotsInCars
- /r/facepalm
- /r/PublicFreakout
- /r/TIHI (Thanks I Hate It)
- Some guy celebrating his divorce with a selfie featuring his miserable looking ex wife
- And of course some gaming stuff
At what point did Reddit become so obsessed with finding people to recreationally get mad at? It's like a majority of the front page content. Terrible vibes.
They've got some weird Albanian folklore about that, too. Might even be the origin of the German folklore - the Serbian version of the story was the one that made it to Jacob Grimm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rozafa_Castle#Legend