interesting and not exactly encouraging survey and the guardian is going with the whole "look at these selfish and irresponsible plebs", but the big thing i take from it is mostly that climate messaging has been so terrible that nobody knows what the fuck to do, everyone is sceptical of the personal responsibility bullshit, and the most highly-rated thing is that people just want some fucking leadership on this (interesting that there were very few questions on what government/industry should be doing, i wonder why)
Love how the article glosses over the 78% of people surveyed saying they want governments to implement stricter regulations. Honestly why the fuck would you expect everyone to work off of principle when everything around them suggests to them to do the opposite? I want to just off the next person that pipes up about individual responsibility
Yea, like do I want to stop using single use plastics? No.
Do I want the government to make and everyone else? Yes.
People will take the path of least resistance and are motivated by short-term gratification so you need to cut off that path if it’s going to kill everyone.