mfw you join a subreddit called "Socialist Rifle Association" but you don't believe that most Trump supporters, despite being working class, aren't salvagable or worth our time to radicalize on a local level, so we're just going to alienate them and arm ourselves against them, despite the fact that the closest thing they've gotten to a violent revolt was Jan. 6 (lol)

Anyways, the main post is fine and all, but read the comments and get your forehead slapping hand ready, your're going to need it.


  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    To be honest, maybe because I'm not white but the few Trump voters I've talked to legit want to kill me. They seem like it would take A LOT to educate them.

    I met one who was funny and BASED though, he would brazenly steal from work and be like "hey, multimillion dollar company"