I’m a teacher in one of the big neoliberal hellscapes and want to get the fuck out. I’m lucky enough that my partner is labor aristocracy and we are talking about trying to save money over the next few years to get a little bit of land to farm up north to get out of the climate apocalypse.
Our long term is to make a space for climate refugees to live in a community and provide mutual aid to people who need it as shit breaks down.
Friends of mine want to do similar stuff and have great skills like being nurses, gardeners, mechanics. As a teacher I have no physical skills but learn pretty quickly.
What skills can I learn to contribute in a post climate world?
Where is everyone going to poop? Where does the poop go? How does it get broken down? Waste management would an unpleasant reality to stay ahead of for any growing community.
Great idea
We're going to poop in 5-gallon buckets, and cover it with sawdust from the carpenters. Composting toilets are surprisingly sanitary and convenient, and don't require the extensive plumbing logistics that plumbing does. If you're anything like me, once you use a good composting toilet you won't want to go back.
Providing such a facility for 100+ people would be a bit of a challenge, but nowhere near the difficulty of requiring specialized schooling to do. If I had a bunch of shovels and pickaxes and access to trees and limestone, and I didn't have to worry about food, I would feel confident in being able to build a 2-chamber, 6-month-rotation shitter for 100 people.