• OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Fascist Tropes:

    • A God am I
    • Always Chaotic Evil
    • Amoral Afrikaner
    • Aristocrats are Evil
    • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy
    • Ax-Crazy
    • The Bad Guy Wins
    • Big Bad
    • Blood Knight
    • Breakout Villain
    • The Bully
    • Complete Monster
    • Devil Complex
    • Draco in Leather Pants
    • Easily Forgiven
    • Evil is Hammy
    • God-Mode Sue
    • Karma Houdini
    • Moral event horizon
    • Smug Super
    • Villain Sue
    • VIllains With good publicity

    and that's the one's I can just name off the top of my head. As you can see, I love TVTropes, so seeing this kinda hurt.