Celebrating 5 years of marriage today so I won't be on much, can I get some Ws in chat :D. The announcement for the book winner should go out tomorrow.
What are you reading? what's good, what sucked?
Everyone have a great weekend!
Has anyone had that occurrence where you recommend a book to someone and they take your suggestion and they love it. I had that with my brother-in-law and it felt really nice _. So Imma take that W today.
:stalin-smokin: Hell yeah, W.
As far as theory goes, I'm reading The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. It's certainly outdated in terminology and in some of Engels' more unconsciously chauvinistic ideas, but his demonstration of a dialectical path of human evolution is fascinating and revealing.
As far as fiction, I'm reading The Three-Body Problem. I'm only a third of the way through, but I'm very impressed. There's some fascinating cerebral stuff as well as a tone of kind of... sci fi cosmic horror.