The more specific the better.

Here's mine:

  • Prana brand pants.
  • /r/bodyweightfitness.
  • "Bullshit Jobs"
  • "Communist Manifesto"
  • Fasting.
  • My current haircut (long on the top; short on the sides).
  • /r/malefashionadvice
  • Electorism and "the news" is dumb
  • Break up with that girl

editing. is there a better way to make a list? thanks for the help, comrades

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    3 years ago

    i had really shit experiences with actual dermatologists, they'd prescribe finasteride, or whatever the generic one is called. But they'd bounce between different sizes, sometimes I'd have to break tablets up, sometimes it'd cost 90 bucks, sometimes insurance covered it.

    I stopped for a couple years and then just did Keeps because dermatologists suck. Keeps isn't crazy expensive and I basically get the finasteride and minoxidil. The effectiveness depends on the person and current conditions, ie it didn't help at all while I was in school and stressed to hell, but once graduated it's kept my hair about static, albiet a little bit off loss, but a lot slower.

    Also don't go on the tressless sub on :reddit-logo:, its a bizarre and and depressing place full of the desperate and insecure. I feel for them but its incredibly unhealthy for ones brain to surround yourself with other desperate and insecure folks.

    Hair loss sucks, my dad and his dad had it. I've always kept my hair long since I was a kid and I genuinely enjoy my hair. I've cut it short before but its just less fun. If you're not super bad off, don't let the "shave it" crowd get to you unless you're already cool with it. I rather look like Oscar Bluth than shaved tbh.

    • grisbajskulor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Thanks for this, this is exactly the kind of overview I was desperate for. I've gone on :reddit-logo: before about this and yeah, immediate depression hits. Weirdly very glad to be talking to a commie about this.

      I've been extremely 'anti-vain; since I was a child and had borderline hairproduct-phobia that still lingers to this day, so I have an inclination to stay "natural." But I realized I've always been subconsciously very vain. Honestly I think I'm pretty attractive lol but it's 80% my hair, and my haircuts just generally look worse these days. So I'm reconsidering my commitment to 'naturalness.' My brother who looks identical to me is balding faster than me and honestly it doesn't look great, but he's as happy as ever and has a "if you care about it you've already lost" attitude which I had too, essentially until reading your comment. I might just need to admit that I'm more vain than he is.

      Oscar Bluth

      Absolutely same there lmao. I know some bad hairline people in their 30s who look disheveled but it kinda works, and I prefer that over the clean corporate "just shave it" thing. I aspire to have :bernie: 's hair when I'm older but honestly his hairline has been fire his whole life so I'm out of luck there.

      I'll consider signing up for keeps. They have some decent introductory pricing so maybe I should just try it. If the act of it makes me more insecure and depressed I'll just have to stop and accept how I look.

      Sincerely thank you, your comments have helped me a lot.

      EDIT: Another reason why I'm hesitant is because a quoted doctor on WebMD says once you stop, you may lose hair faster than if you hadn't started treatment at all. Not sure what to do with that info. Maybe I also need to stop smoking and having a shitty diet lol

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm glad I could help. It's good to be honest with ones self.

        Stopping can cause issues because finesteride messes with your hormones and stopping hormones is always a shock.

        As for the "if you care you already lost", thats like saying "money doesn't buy happiness". How you look is sadly important for daily interactions, mostly indirectly, subconsciously. If you like how you look then you're confident and that shows to others. Whatever you do, you just gotta own it.