
They say how anyone below 5'8 is too short and they get grossed out.

I usually have headphones on but they're charging so I can't even shut them out.

They also have a short dude sitting with them so that's just...extra uncomfortable.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I'm 6' or 5'11 and 3/4". something I never had any control over, though the women in my family ensured me it was something to be proud of. and they are now all heavily invested, emotionally, in how tall my nephew is going to be. I tell them all they are being a bunch of shallow harpies and they need to knock it off or they're going to put stupid ideas in his head, but I don't live there so I can't advocate as effectively as I want. next time one brings it up I'm going to compare it to a bunch of old men sitting around complaining about a little girl in the family being "too heavy", which is basically going nuclear in this crowd. but I am sick of it.

    when I got into a physical labor job in my late 20s working with a bunch of like 5'6" Mexican dudes, I wished I was shorter. being tall is hard on the back and it only gets worse with age. compact dudes get shit done and live forever.

    • ultraviolet [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Yeah shut that shit down. There are plenty of women who say bullshit and then cry "sexism" when you call them out.

      • DragonBallsDeep [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I also struggle to grapple with that argument as well. Some women act as if its super comfortable and rad to be a fat dude in todays society because like Seth Rogan exists or something. 90% of modern men in popular culture are sculpted specimen superheroes.