• fl42v@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Show well_yes_but_actually_no_meme-e1550594965387-1376188401

    On one hand, we have making stuff that lends you in jail or otherwise gets you in trouble with the govt, and on the other one - stuff that makes you no money [which is also not exactly correct since you can even publish stuff under CC and still make money (e.g. Cory Doctorow, LukHash, etc) as long as said stuff has an audience]

    • Awoo [she/her]
      9 months ago

      No mate. You're not looking at this correctly.

      There is an absolutely huge quantity of stuff you simply can not put in media because you will lose your job in the industry. That's censorship, it's just smartly hidden censorship that is one step removed from any "official" capacity but everyone still knows it's there.

      Sure you can publish under CC, good luck getting blacklisted from everything else forever though.

    • jaeme
      9 months ago

      "The Red Scare never happened because why would anyone have to be scared into hating commies?"

    • oregoncom [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Another r*dditor hog who cares only about cooming and what type of funko pops you can buy. Come back when you have a soul.

      • WithoutFurtherBelay
        9 months ago

        The problem with dunking on libs is that they just ignore all of your actual, concrete insults, and so to continue the dunking one most fall back on surface-level insults and ideas coined by reactionaries.

        We should just quote the 11 kinds of liberalism at them until they go away (except for the funko pop part, thats a funny dunk, keep that part)

          • WithoutFurtherBelay
            9 months ago

            I understand the temptation, so don’t feel bad

            Tbh only the cooming part is sus at all, everything else is an accurate dunk. And people here seem to like the “coom” meme so I guess that’s whatever too

    • emizeko [they/them]
      9 months ago

      it's a good thing people don't need money to live, huh, you fucking moron