    9 months ago

    I've often wondered how all of this nonsense could work when it is all inherently contradictory, now I know. They just have a conversation where they use fancy words to sound smart without knowing what any of these words mean.

    Parrots are better for conversation than these bozos. At least a parrot can be nice and direct and isn't deeply insecure about their intelligence and making it everyone else's problem.

    • Raebxeh
      9 months ago

      There’s also a thing where a bunch of new age authors will quote each other circularly and begin to talk with one another, so you can find a “consensus” by sticking to certain corners of new age thought. Everyone being obsessed with Atlanteans as a secret precursor to modern civilization is actually a good example of this. There are also a lot of cryptofash along the writers for that genre, so there’s an interest convergence driven by the fascist agenda. The pyramids being built by white people is a good example of that one.