I’m talking takes that make them immediately throw out the civility fetish and reach for the most crying wojack buzzwords in their vocabulary

  • Vncredleader
    3 years ago

    Just being a moral person honestly. It fucking infuriates them so much because deep down they know they are not good people. But they need to tell themselves they are, cause the GOP is worse they can get away with this. However when a person with principles shows up they lose their fucking shit because they are challenged for once. They think the farthest acceptable left, is a bit left of Franco, and so when they meet literal communists it breaks their whole worldview

    • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
      3 years ago

      Nah that only works if you are financially stable middle class or richer. The biggest cope libs have is to summon the meritocracy card. If youre "moral" and work min wage, for instance, they wont think about what youre saying too much because you obviously are a terrible uneducated person for being poor.

      If youre rich but youre not fortunate enough to have a job in an ethical non-profit or whatever theyll still cope with the "hypocrisy" card.

      • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
        3 years ago

        When they start trying to wield the class hierarchy against you, I find it useful to start using infantalizing language, and to specifically characterize them as an out-of-touch class minority. It's not going to "gain traction" or anything -- if you pull this on reddit or other lib-holes you'll eat a bajillion downvotes or whatever -- but it does fucking irk them if you challenge the notion that their perspective is inherently more rounded or complete.

        • nohaybanda [he/him]
          3 years ago

          That seems like a whole lot of work just to avoid posting ppb