I won't debate you or anything I'm just really curious what some of the main reasons why someone would want the state to beat capitalism rather than defeat capitalism according to anarchist theory. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer my question. Hopefully an interesting discussion can be had. EDIT: I appreciate everyone's response. Not exactly a big fan of most of the sentiment but I appreciate those who took the time to help me understand.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeh, this is what a lot of people seem to misinterpret. The end goal of MLism is the same stateless, classless society that anarchists call for. We just recognise the reality that the working class will need to repress the bourgeoisie and the counter rev before that can happen. You can’t have a stateless classless society when there’s still a section of society that wants to re-establish its past dominance.

    • gayhobbes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This is also why I think there's a mythical divide between being authleft and libleft. I think the authentic core of leftism is libleft, but the question is how do we get to it, and that's where we differ.

      That and if you think it's authoritarian to gulag a tiny fraction of the populace that terrorized us, I have no idea what your alternative proposal is but I guarantee it's not going to work.