modern city life is bullshit. It's not organic. It's controlled by developers and politicians that hoard land and use their city's real estate as a store of value for oligarchs that don't live there.

Your local underground art & organizing space is part of a developer's plan to artwash a neighbourhood as part of their plan for gentrification.

Spend all day commuting and working and competing with consoomers that will do whatever it takes, compromise anything, just to stay in the city. All for what? Access to better bars + clubs for 2 hours of fun oblivion at the weekend? Access to theaters and galleries you don't have time to go to? Access to interesting people? Cafe life at the weekend or something?

fwiw, living rural is difficult if you've lived in a city for a long time. pay is much shittier, it's difficult to integrate, it's conservative. People are less open, imo. But the massive increase in time and agency must count for something. Please tell me it means something lol.

City life, as it's developed, is a tourist facade, and buying into it is supporting the ghouls that control the markets. The same ghouls that keep an apartment in the city, but would never live there.

  • FidelGastro [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Access to better bars + clubs for 2 hours of fun oblivion at the weekend?

    Had some kind of epiphany the other day about this. Why visit another city? What, drink in a different overpriced bar? Eat in some restaurant with slightly different decor than what you're used to? It's all the same, not even talking about the homogenous chain establishments.

    Museums are about the only good reason I can come up with. And one day that's going to lead me to goddamn Dayton, Ohio.

      • FidelGastro [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Why watch this movie when you’ve already watched that movie? They’re both movies.

        This is unironically true with the current stream of dreck coming from the movie industry.

        • jabrd [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I'll visit another city when the city studio execs stop making them via committee and just let the city designers have some artistic license

        • DragonBallsDeep [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          This is the most asinine take that always slaps in terminally online spaces that make leftists look like luddites. There are endless aspects of our culture and capitalism to complain about but movies/shows/music and cultural production are literally not one of them. If your movie/music taste extends only to the box office and/or Billboard Top 40 then that's a you problem comrade.

          We are quite literally in the golden age of prestige television, independent cinema, and music from an accessibility standpoint. Thinking otherwise either (a) ages you as a shut-in boomer or (b) just an irony brained clout demon.

          • FidelGastro [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            If the dogshit is what rises to the top (which is true), then that's not a me problem, that's an us problem.

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      3 years ago

      On spring break I went to go visit cool museums by myself and everyone thought I was crazy but fuck them that shit was wholesome as fuck I still have good memories of the museums and parks. Better than any bar memories that's for sure.

    • regul [any]
      3 years ago

      I visit other cities to ride their trains.

      • FidelGastro [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        This is why I like Denver. There's a train in the airport and a train outside of it!

        Also some very cool art to ponder.