I know everyone and their mom is talking about "It Could Happen Here" by Robert Evans recently but damn that podcast has never been more relevant. The videos from Portland yesterday are definitely a wake-up call for me to stop being a little bitch. That's not the point of the post though, I just wanted everyone's thoughts on our situation. Here's what's happening in America right now:

*Massive record breaking wildfires *There's about to be 2 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico *Crop shortages and failures *Coronavirus *Mass unemployment *Apocalyptic eviction crisis *Waves of protests and/or brawls *Possible election crisis?

All of this is happening while the federal government is completely broken. Congress hasn't gotten shit done and then they went on break of course. It seems to me that not only does Congress not care but they don't seem to genuinely think things are as bad as they actually are. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but could we be closer to the end of America than many think?

    • DialecticalWeed [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Maybe, but I think the meme of the American public being 100% docile is incorrect. When the George Floyd protests happened there were massive demonstrations in my city and their aren't even any major political organizations here.

      Not that the left would be a major factor in a Second Civil War right now, but I think it shows that the bourgeoisies grip on the people isn't as strong as we might think.

        • DialecticalWeed [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You're right that the protests tapered out, but I'm sorry, they were never going to be a sustained campaign when there was little large scale organization and it was during a pandemic. I think we need to view the protests for what they were and prepare for next time instead of being overly-cynical.

          But I don't bring it up to say we're one the eve of revolution or anything because we simply are not. However, I think we are somewhat close to the collapse of the liberal state which is what my post was about. I genuinely do not know where we go from here and I don't think many in the government know either. We've been in a massive capitalist crisis for well over a decade and shit right now is getting far worse.

          Now I'm also aware that leftists for centuries have said the end of the capitalist order is near, but I genuinely think this time IS different and could be fatal. Even if the US survives this current crisis I think it will leave some pretty big cracks.