link to whole thread

Honestly by the end of this their struggle session might give us a run for our money. Currently at 8 upvotes and 110 comments. OP is also a new account who has only posted this and in r/Taiwan. Grab your popcorn folks, this one’s juicy.

EDIT: The cowards locked it.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    3 years ago

    Hasan unironically hates that subreddit lol. He barely ever goes there, preferring even his discord or r/okbuddyhasan. Honestly, this is one issue I don't see him changing his mind on. Even if he has "white privilege" in certain circumstances, he's still an immigrant from a Muslim nation. He knows better than most Westerners what US military and foreign policy looks like.

    On the other hand, I understand where the redditors are coming from. This level of vitriol and backlash is to be expected when confronted with the harsh reality. I used to be like that about a lot of things, even after I became a leftist. This'll be just one of the many world-changing revelations they'll have to deal with, and will determine if they become a true leftist or fall back to liberals.