Ewww the whole thread is garbage: https://www.resetera.com/threads/afghanistans-economy-is-collapsing-3-2-million-children-are-likely-to-suffer-malnutrition-1-million-risk-of-dying.520842/
It's actually housed in US banks. Said international banks cannot transfer money to known terrorist organizations - bunch of international law here. Same way they can't knowingly transact drug money transfers, etc. And it's the exiled Governments money, not the Taliban. Since the Taliban aren't recognized as the formal government of Afghanistan there is no money witheld, just money that can't be released. Only fix is to recognize them, and no one is going to do that because yeah, Taliban.
Ahh yes international laws that USA loves to follow.
resetera started in 2017 when they "found out" about neogafs' owner being a huge PoS on multiple counts, something that had been out in the open for years prior (and was what drove me to stop interacting with that site way earlier)
so there was a huge effort to make a new, better site, that would be run professionally and have great moderation
but they're all gamers so none of that happened and now most recently reseteras' owner sold the site to fucking MOBA network for $4.5 million, revealing it for the long con grift it always was
I did not know this and ty. They really cashout LMAO