Stars are spheres
Planets are spheres
Atoms are spheres
Butts? Well, those are just two spheres.
Why so many spheres?
Makes you think.
Edit: Fuck I made an orb pondering meme without even trying
Stars are spheres
Planets are spheres
Atoms are spheres
Butts? Well, those are just two spheres.
Why so many spheres?
Makes you think.
Edit: Fuck I made an orb pondering meme without even trying
What is the most perfect non-quantum sphere?
The surface of a neutron star slowed down after it has pulsed its last pulse seems a likely candidate. We know of a few thousand neutron stars and yet we estimate there are 200-300 million out there in the Milky Way. When they stop spinning they become practically invisible until they start feeding on something.
Wouldn't the event horizon of a non spinning black hole be a better contender?
Neutrons still decay on the surface of all but the absolute largest of neutron stars, so that would perturb the sphericalness a bit. I have no idea how much energy is being released at the surface of a black hole's event horizon in the form of virtual particles comparatively.
Bit beyond my ken.
I think it's exceptionally small. Waiting for a black hole to fizzle out from Hawking radiation is projected to take longer even than the heat- life & death of the universe
This thing's a pretty good sphere: