Context: 3 :thumb-cop: go into the restaurant strapped (never know when you might need to extrajudicially murder your sandwich), staff asks them to please leave since firearms are not allowed inside, thin blue skin gets feelings hurt, there is a backlash from our brain poisoned reactionary public, restaurant forced to apologize.



  • fayyhana [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Just the sheer level of willful ignorance to see a story like this as anything but "crybabies with guns leverage their monopoly on violence to harass restaurant" drives me fucking insane. I get that in this story the restaurant is probably more being pressured by a local media campaign to protect their special murder boys instead of genuine public outcry, but seeing normal people my age caping for cops is absolutely infuriating.

    • LoudMuffin [he/him]
      3 years ago

      most Americans have zero political education so no one even realizes that cops are just the enforcing arm of the state

      they just think they stop crime and shit but anyone who actually has dealt with American police knows that they are just report writers at best and fascist death squads at worst