fayyhana [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2020


  • It sucks, it really fucking sucks. I just got into argument with my nominally leftist friend over this article he sent me. I said the article was loaded with pro-imperialist rhetoric like asserting that NATO was ever a defensive operation and was just dismissive of the anti-imperialist position in general. I couched the whole discussion in "yes putin sucks, really fucking sucks, I hope the russian people seize power and execute him and all the other oligarchs" but even that wasn't enough. Apparently anything less than arming and funding the nationalist ukrainian government and turning all of ukraine into ground for a proxy war with russia is putin apologia.

  • honestly there is no reason to not cheat as much as you can get away with in college, especially if you're getting something like a business degree. There's no real stakes to learning what is taught in college because you end up learning more on the job anyways. If it were an option I think most people would choose to just jump straight into careers and learn there.

    But obviously in serving the interests of capital, college under capitalism is not to educate people, but to discipline them into better serving capital. It acts as a filter so people can't just jump straight into careers and gain knowledge there, they must first prove they are worthy of being employed, prove they will be obedient and sufficient peons of the business. Idk what it is like in other fields, but my accounting degree was half becoming familiar with accounting terminology and basic practices, half learning the ideology of american business (freer the market, freer the people, the boss is always right, etc.).

    And American college is even worse given how fucking expensive it is, locking the poorest people into the most precarious positions of wage slavery with little chance of escaping. And those who do go through college but are not from wealthy backgrounds are saddled with tons of unforgivable debt, essentially binding them to needing a certain level of income, pushing labor and wage negotiations even further in capital's favor. What are you gonna do, quit? You have a debt to pay! Can't afford to fall behind!

    College is a fucking racket but it's one you're forced through if you don't want work at walmart your whole life and can't do trades. Nothing you learn there (in most degrees, certainly mine) can't be learned on the job, so might as well cheat as much as fucking possible and make sure you graduate.

  • My younger brother never really grew out of his edgy teenage angst phase, and lately since I've been living at home I've heard him say some extremely sus shit. Stuff about how we need to be harder on homeless people, how it should be legal to hit protesters with your car, boomer-tier ramblings about """thugs""" and what-not. It sucks, I think he's been getting it from our border patrol step-dad who is an irredeemable fascist (he hides it by being polite but this dude would absolutely be the gas chamber guard).

    At least my mom is redeemable, she's a lib through and through but somehow avoided the anti-commie propaganda of her generation, so she's somewhat sympathetic towards socialist causes. I got her to listen to season 2 of Blowback and now she'll get into arguments defending the cuban revolution lmao. She also listens to ALAB, Citations Needed, and TrueAnon of all things on her work commute, so maybe there's some hope for her yet.

  • The common online pitfall I see MLs fall into is buying into the whole 4 quadrant political compass meme and thus proclaiming themselves as "pro-authoritarian" to prove they aren't anarchists. No one should be pro authority for authority's sake, it's just we think a transitional state is necessary to defend the revolution from the forces of capital.

    Honestly the 4 quadrant political compass has gotta be one of the better online psyops for disrupting left unity.