Due to post about feds nocking on their door and asking about Hexbear, which was posted outside of fake news and could be seen as serious.


  • GinAndJuche
    6 months ago

    Ah, so you feel/have analyzed that there is a good critique of our/hexbear's sensibilities in there?

    full disclosure: I would be absolutely fascinated by hearing more about the context necessary to understand the humor behind the posts.

    I hope that is not too weird, but I get it if inquiring about site social history is viewed as such.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      6 months ago

      I wouldn't say good.

      It's funny to me though. I don't know, I think one of the things about this shitty island that's a positive aspect of the culture is the fact everyone gets roasted by friends fairly regularly for the most mundane shit. And if you don't learn to self-roast and go along with it? You get roasted even harder until you do.

      That's sort of what I saw here. Hexbear reacting and the response being to double and triple down to wind it up.

      I bought some of them early on. I even got caught out re-sharing something to a friend that I had to retract because it caught me out. That shit's GOOD to happen to me, it reminded me to check shit before I go sharing and not to believe literally everything I see on the internet. I've been laughing at myself for it ever since. But I think the negative reaction of others comes from an inability to laugh at themselves for getting got.

      This is probably partially incoherent or disjointed as a thought, I'm just about to have a nap and half asleep already.

      • kot [they/them]
        6 months ago

        That's literally just a self-perpetuating culture of bullying.

        And if you don't learn to self-roast and go along with it? You get roasted even harder until you do.

        And what about our ND userbase, who will never quite "get" your islands toxic social dynamics? Death to the first world.