Due to post about feds nocking on their door and asking about Hexbear, which was posted outside of fake news and could be seen as serious.


  • Nakoichi [they/them]M
    6 months ago

    This is part of why that stupid post pissed me off so much. Preying on users' trust by explicitly breaking the rule put in place to help foster trust to begin with (no fake news outside the fake news comm) was not acceptable as a bit and they always seemed to be trying to exactly that necessitating the creation of the comm in the first place. As someone that has had guns pulled on me before and a visit from the feds myself once many many years ago (not for anything I did mind you) I found that last post totally unacceptable and, frankly I find people like @Awoo@hexbear.net, whom I otherwise respect and like taking enjoyment from severely anxiety inducing posts like Melina constantly made quite disappointing.

    • GinAndJuche
      6 months ago

      First things first, I am both sorry that you had to deal with that and glad it did not turn into a big thing.

      I've been fed agency involved after somebody tried to seriously hurt me once. I didn't call them or anything, it just happened because of how it went down and both of us being from different states.

      I did not see that post until it was removed, but if I had seen straight I might have had a bad time. So yeah, I totally agree that shit was bad vibes.

      help foster trust to begin with

      edit: this is a good point. comrades should == trust

    • Awoo [she/her]
      6 months ago

      ? I do get it with the issue of it being outside the comm though? I haven't defended that anywhere. I've defended the fakenews posting overall.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]M
        6 months ago

        Yeah that is fine it was just that nothing about anything Melina ever posted was funny to me and that one went way over the line. But that wasn't the only one. Your posts have otherwise been fine.

      • GinAndJuche
        6 months ago

        That’s the vibe I got. Your version fake news posting was appropriately labeled and funny as a result (as opposed to not being labeled and potentially misleading).