(yeah i know leftbook is generally bad and no i didn't expect anything better but still)

Yes, employers should be paying delivery drivers way more instead of other working-class people making up the difference. Yes, the US system of tipping and the fact that service workers rely so heavily on tips is fucked up. No, that doesn't give you an excuse to not tip the person who's bringing you your treats.

Multiple people called this meme "ableist" and "classist" :agony-shivering: and even more are saying "delivery driving's way easier than making the food and sometimes they deliver it to the wrong place!!! so they don't deserve to be paid more!"!!

If your arguments sound exactly the same as a chud's, you are not a leftist, you are a propaganda mouthpiece for billionaires that would love to see you drop dead. Shut the actual fuck up you PMC radlib swine. /rant

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    3 years ago

    I do work for Uber Eats on the side and yes, and I don't expect the dude living off disability that just wants to stay in tonight and have some cornslop for once to tip as much as some executive that wants to shout their staff some shitty treats. Tip according to your ability, I'm not going to judge poor people for that.

    • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
      3 years ago

      I dont know what the disparity is between what people in australia and people in america get just hourly from uber eats but I bet its much worse for americans than australia as the tip thing is actually more of a "tip" for you guys and in the uk and europe. In the US its usually a major part of service workers income and necessary.

      obviously there can be some difference in the disability guy and an executive thats obvious, what this meme is talking about is if you can't afford the bare minimum tip which in the us is usually 20% than you shouldn't be using the sservice bc you're actually costing the worker money.

      • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, you're right there is a big difference in the function of tips in Aus compared to the US, I didn't think about that. Sorry.

        • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
          3 years ago

          it's fine, most people from countries more civilized than us don't know just how trash we treat our service workers.

        • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I thought Aus would be more like US/Can in that regard. But if y’all are better off then kudos.

          • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
            3 years ago

            i would imagine aus would be more like the uk and the eu. Tipping isn't as much of a necessity there bc they never took advantage of the great depression to pay their workers fuck all. It's one of those things that it's just completely wild the us gets away with honestly

            • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Didn’t know tipping was related to the Great Depression goddamn. Would love to learn more if you have any resources.

              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                3 years ago

                Ok so I found this . (at work so i dont have a lot of time to vet it)

                Apparently like most things wrong with america, it traces back to slavery:

                Well that movement, which came right around the time of the emancipation of the slaves, was squashed by the restaurant industry, which argued that they should have the right to hire newly freed slaves and not pay them anything as valueless people and essentially let them live on customer tips. And so many of the first tipped workers in the United States were former slaves…. And this idea was codified into the first minimum wage law that passed in 1938 as part of the New Deal…. We went from a zero-dollar minimum wage in 1938 to a whopping $2.13 an hour, which is the current federal minimum wage for tipped workers in the U.S.


              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                3 years ago

                that's the story of it anyway, i don't have any resources at hand, it definitely could be urban legend.

                But as i've heard it told, restaurants couldn't afford wages for workers so they started letting them keep tips as a means of income and that's where the sentiment that tips were necessary and not just for "extra good service" grew and then they just held on to it and never wanted to bring wages back up, so they've always paid like half the minimum wage.

                looks like it was slavery

                Everyone my age made like 2 bucks an hour at some point working for applebees lol

            • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
              3 years ago

              Yeah in Aus tipping just isn't a thing. Driving for Uber is the first time I've ever been tipped (and I've worked in service before) and even then it's like... $2 maybe twice a week.

              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                3 years ago

                here you get a base pay per trip that amounts to like a 1.50-2 or something, i think depending on region, and the rest of you income is based on tips.

                • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
                  3 years ago

                  Holy shit that's so little... I get like paid $6 per delivery by Uber and that's increased depending on how far I have to drive.

                  This makes total sense now, holy shit. I hope we don't end up like America, those poor fucking drivers, I wonder how many of them know how hard Uber is stiffing them compared to here.

                  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                    3 years ago

                    how far I have to drive.

                    apparently americans can get a mileage rate as well but it isn't based on actually mileage lol. I'm having trouble seeing if this is a given tho. seems it may be folded into a "trip supplement" payment that can include a lot of things outside the base pay. Idk seems like they purposefully keep this shit vague so they can pay whatever they feel lol

                    Mileage Rate

                    This portion of your payout considers the mileage between pickup and dropoff points.

                    The Uber app, however, uses the most efficient rate.

                    It does not track the distance that you actually travel.

                    It also does not consider the mileage that you travel while getting to your next pickup point.

                    You should also note that this rate is only applicable in certain cities, such as New York and Los Angeles.

                    You may want to look into whether Uber offers mileage pay in your respective city.

                    When you sign up to drive, you’ll receive more information about your delivery location and respective pay rates.

                • AlephNull [she/her]
                  3 years ago

                  This was what it was like delivering pizzas in aus in 00s. It was that or piece rate per delivery. I think it's changed since, but it's a rough gig

                  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                    3 years ago

                    yeah my roommate in and after college worked at a pizza place for too long and thats how it was for him. i think they made like a couple bucks or so plus tips. He eventually graduated to making like 9 bucks working inside as a manager