Or slavery for that matter, neither black people nor liberals are DeSantis' primary voting bloc.
Liberal brain works in mysterious ways.
Like, dunk on DeSantis for looking like a clown
This is definitely the funniest election in US history. They're having serious debates and pretending like they matter without Trump there. Hilarious shit
the level of wonkiness required to care about the losers presumptive in the republican primaries should be studied
You're not excited by the the possibility of asa-hutcha-mentum?
Asa Hutchinson might break 1%.
Did anybody forget...?
This is America. Of course people forgot. We have the memories of goldfish.
This is kind of surreal. I remember when libs would go on and on about Trump's gaffes and how "this one will lose him the election for sure!" or Bush for that matter, back in 2000. They really don't learn do they?
A gaffe is when you stare directly in the camera and say exactly what you believe