In case you missed it, popular manga reader app Tachiyomi pushed an update this week that removed its web extension list for manga reader sites like mangadex and said they'll be moving to a move plex/jellyfin like model of "bring your own content".

Today a Korean manwha publisher, Kakao Entertainment, announced on their twitter they've been gathering details about the project's main contributors for pursuing legal action to attempt to shutdown the project and all downstream forks.

Third party rehosts of the extension list have already popped up, but they won't be much use if the main app gets shutdown. Also it's unclear to me if the extensions will be updated going forward, so they may stop working in the future.

Kakao's post in case you can't read or view it:

Tachiyomi, under the guise of 'legitimate' open-source development, has been seriously infringing on the copyright of manwhas worldwide.

We have collected personal details of most individuals invovled in this project and plan to proceed with strong legal and institutional responses against over 100 forked Github pages.

[Disgusting plug for their garbage service]

Be Official, Be Legal Readers.

    9 months ago

    Kinda suspect something like this had happened for tachiyomi to make that decision. It's not a surprise to be honest. Just another attempt from corpos to erode personal freedom on the Internet