...i dont think the term "hard" with liquor is interchangeable when talking about "hard" drugs. Id say anything that has significant physical/mental side effects with prolonged use, or a damaging way method of delivery would qualify as a "hard" drug. You know most randos can eat some weak opiates/other prescriptions and feel totally fine, a lot of them do, and drive on that shit lol. does that make xanax and hydrocodone "soft"
...i dont think the term "hard" with liquor is interchangeable when talking about "hard" drugs. Id say anything that has significant physical/mental side effects with prolonged use, or a damaging way method of delivery would qualify as a "hard" drug. You know most randos can eat some weak opiates/other prescriptions and feel totally fine, a lot of them do, and drive on that shit lol. does that make xanax and hydrocodone "soft"
Yes, objectively some eating a bar is safer and likely to be in a better place than someone who drank too much.
fam if you think eating an edible is "harder" than taking xanax i really do not know what to tell you lmao