I've been having some trouble reading some theory, Not because of the actual Ideas that are being discussed, those are the Easy Parts, it more-so has to do with the Way It's Written that I have a harder time comprehending it.

More-often than-not I just end up kinda glossing over the literature and it just makes me feel stupid. I don't know what the writing styles of Marx and Kropotkin can really narrowed-down to, this, paired with everything else I just Mentioned, just kinda leaves me feeling alienated from my own views and literature.

Does anyone have some potential advice to share? Thanks :comrades:

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    3 年前

    It gets easier the more you read regularly.

    Before reading a dense text, I'd recommend reading a summary or review of the text by someone else.

    Last, don't feel bad about taking it slow. Be aware of when your brain is mush and you don't understand what you're reading. When you notice this stop reading and do something else.

    (Or do what others said and just read Engels lol)

    • FloridaBoi [he/him]
      3 年前

      100% this because it’s basically a matter of practice. The prose and even the meaning of words take a while to get used to. Don’t shy away too much from source texts (or at least their good translations).