Honestly the entire modernist worldview is super overrated. “This mode of thinking let us land rockets on the moon therefore we must all think like this in all facets of our lives all the time” like okay dude sometimes I wanna be wrong because a lot of the time when you’re wrong nothing happens so just get over it
There’s plenty of post-Marx communist theory that introduces various postmodern and decolonial lenses. Being a communist doesn’t mean we need to throw out the idea of social construction and it definitely doesn’t mean we all need to read Eliezer Yudkowsky or some shit
Yudkowsky is anti-materialist, though. He rejects out of hand the aspects of physics and computer engineering that are inconvenient to his worldview.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't postmodern/decolonial Marxism also operate under principles like "society and culture are products of means and relations of production" and "societal structures are upheld by armed force and the threat of violence"? And if it doesn't, what's Marxist about it?
Yudkowsky is a stand-in here for dogmatic rationalism. I don’t care about specifics of postmodern/de colonial Marxist theory or whatever the fuck (also, that’s a huge field and likely difficult to generalize about). What I’m saying is that, if you wanna get Marxist about it, we have entire aspects of our experience as human beings which do not even make considerations for whether or not something is rational and capitalism routinely alienates us from them or denies our ability to experience them in the first place. Religious thinking is just one aspect of human thinking but there seem to be many Marxists who are content to insist that religion is and always will be an inherent detriment to the revolution. Bottom line is that humans aren’t computers and I shouldn’t have to know about diminishing returns or the basis of meta-optimization in order for that to be a valid assertion
It explains the mediocre response to Britney Spears' situation as well. Which really sucks because I was hoping to catch the abortion supreme court ruling here.
there literally wasn't shit on the moon and no reason to go there and we thought there would be because we saw a kubrick movie lmao if that's not magical thinking idk what is
Honestly the entire modernist worldview is super overrated. “This mode of thinking let us land rockets on the moon therefore we must all think like this in all facets of our lives all the time” like okay dude sometimes I wanna be wrong because a lot of the time when you’re wrong nothing happens so just get over it
Weird take on a website for communists, a mode of understanding grounded in materialism
There’s plenty of post-Marx communist theory that introduces various postmodern and decolonial lenses. Being a communist doesn’t mean we need to throw out the idea of social construction and it definitely doesn’t mean we all need to read Eliezer Yudkowsky or some shit
Yudkowsky is anti-materialist, though. He rejects out of hand the aspects of physics and computer engineering that are inconvenient to his worldview.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't postmodern/decolonial Marxism also operate under principles like "society and culture are products of means and relations of production" and "societal structures are upheld by armed force and the threat of violence"? And if it doesn't, what's Marxist about it?
Yudkowsky is a stand-in here for dogmatic rationalism. I don’t care about specifics of postmodern/de colonial Marxist theory or whatever the fuck (also, that’s a huge field and likely difficult to generalize about). What I’m saying is that, if you wanna get Marxist about it, we have entire aspects of our experience as human beings which do not even make considerations for whether or not something is rational and capitalism routinely alienates us from them or denies our ability to experience them in the first place. Religious thinking is just one aspect of human thinking but there seem to be many Marxists who are content to insist that religion is and always will be an inherent detriment to the revolution. Bottom line is that humans aren’t computers and I shouldn’t have to know about diminishing returns or the basis of meta-optimization in order for that to be a valid assertion
The sexist/terrible takes getting the most upvoted here explain why women's issues are rarely brought up here.
Yeah for real this whole thread is a mess of Um Aktually bullshit
It explains the mediocre response to Britney Spears' situation as well. Which really sucks because I was hoping to catch the abortion supreme court ruling here.
Abortion is so cut and dry I’d be surprised at any awful takes, but I also wasn’t expecting an astrology struggle session so 🤷
there literally wasn't shit on the moon and no reason to go there and we thought there would be because we saw a kubrick movie lmao if that's not magical thinking idk what is