I don’t really know anything about him, I don’t watch twitch streamers or keep up with their drama. I only thought about looking into him after the cracker thing and I can’t tell if he’s a genuine leftist or not. (Also sorry if this is the wrong comm for this question)

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      3 years ago

      A few years ago I had a friend that tried to argue with me "[clown man]is important for the left." I pushed back on it then, and I would push back on that even moreso these days.

      That said, unlike funny clown man, I think Hasan actually IS good for the left, even if he isn't always as principled as we would like.

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I've taken to watching him while practicing random licks on the drums and I don't really see much wrong with him. I find him kinda funny and he's not a complete chud, and he's not a complete moron wrecked like Vaush from what I can tell.

    I don't think people realize that even a vague socdem who isn't deliberately anti communist like Vaush can have a huge effect removing brainworms. I got over my American brainwashing from being friends online with people from socdem countries, so even just that can open the third eye for some people. Living in the USA will pretty quickly turn you further left if you have a functioning.....perceptive apparatus so....

    It's also important that The Kids should be watching someone like Hasan vs like, anything else. PragerU and Ben Shapiro are literal brainrot, and that's the surface level shit. It gets so much worse. They could be tuning into the Nick Fuentes livestream or The Daily Shoah or weird Ecofascist podcast #28384738 (you guys should listen to I Don't Speak German, there is some absolutely vile right wing content out there and it isn't that hard to get to...). Obviously I'd rather people watch shit like Yugopnik or NonCompete but that's a little much for most people, and I'd prefer they go even vaguely left vs turning into a literal Nazi, which even PragerU or fucking Fox News will do at this point. My younger brother loaded up on ideology from Crowder and PragerU and now is a miserable, bitter person and not in the realistic leftist way but like the unhinged right wing way where trans people are going to turn the frogs gay

  • Yurt_Owl
    3 years ago

    I like Hasan, his content is easy to watch and easy to get into. Very good entry point for many people. He also has a unique position in the internet space where he interacts with normal mainstream streamers which gives him the ability to pipeline people from those demographics which other breadtube people dont as they kinda sit in their own bubble.

    I like his integrity. He stands for his personal convictions even if it means getting fired from tyt or banned from twitch and doesnt bend to pressure. He also does apologise if called out for something bad.

    I think he's a much better pipeline to the left than other more theory based purple light breadtubers as he collabs with people outside the leftist circle often rather than sticking to their own internet bubble.

  • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Only problem I have with him is the causal ableism. But for every one time he punches down at someone on the left who is "psychotic" he says/does 10 based things, so it's overall pretty good.

    I'm not expecting the guy to vanguard the world, that's way too much responsibility for one guy. He makes entertaining content that's not outright fascist. That's enough for me.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Just his statement on China recently given his popularity/size of his platform puts him in my good graces. He's occasionally got some problematic dunks as you said, but I think he's well meaning and sincere in his beliefs. If anything we need more streamers like him and less of well, gestures broadly at the sea of grifters and reactionaries.

      Love my anarchist comrades but we really need to focus on local and domestic shit. There's no anarchist praxis when it comes to foreign policy aside from anti-imperialism.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    He's on the Breadtube to Acid Marxism pipeline, so I'd say he's a comrade at least for now.

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I’m a fan. His show is entertaining and accessible. I think trying to squint and determine if a YouTube personality is an “actual leftist” or not is kind of pointless.

    He makes good left wing content. It’s nice to listen to in the background if you have a desk job. Enjoy it for what it is!

  • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    He has alright takes, some that seem pretty good. His opinion on China is improving.

  • DeathToBritain [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    he has some fucking li takes, but he bullies chuds. he can be kinda eh on China and a lot of other stuff, but for a gamer he's not the worst

  • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
    3 years ago

    i watched him for like a month a couple years back, during the bernie primaries and such, and he was pretty cool... for a :LIB: