Normally they're pretty good, but man, that is a bad fucking take. Yeah, I'm sure China is going to fall apart annnnny day now because it's exactly the same as the US.

  • HamManBad [he/him]
    3 years ago

    They're anarchists, from their perspective any state is going to be a facade. I like the podcast but they explicitly state that they are ultras.

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      3 years ago

      tbf thats an ultra position, but not inherently a position of anarchism as a whole, theres a lot more analysis you could do from an anarchist perspective than just "These socialists think a state is necessary, this proves they are actually just power hungry authoritarians acting in bad faith".

      • Society_Liver [she/her]
        3 years ago

        We try very hard not to be sectarian here, so we ignore actual irreconcilable differences within the left.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Honestly, if you actually talk out the differences, there's a few points of difference with the more practical types of anarchists (AnSyns for example) but not much.

        It basically boils down to

        • Disagreements on what a revolutionary class monopoly of force actually is, and if it constitutes a "State"
        • How formal a hierarchy needs to be, how directly recallable it must be.
        • How strictly disciplined the Vanguard must be, and what does the vanguard consist of. (a disagreement hard-MLs have with Leftcoms, Luxemburgists, and CCs)
        • Interaction with current political systems (Electorialism in the Leninist sense of parliamentary shitposting. This is as far as I can tell the ONLY difference between an AnSyn and a Council Communist)

        These are strong disagreements, but honestly I think they're really productive ones to have in the left.

        I'm a very ML sympathetic "Stop trying to define my tendency-ist." (I guess if pressed I'm an "Old-Luxemburgist" as in I agree with Rosa's critiques of Leninism but not the 1920s Leftcoms.)