Guangchangwu, or “square dancing,” dates back decades. The practice had its origins in collective public dances during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, and later in the economic reforms of the 1990s that left many city dwellers jobless and in need of low-cost entertainment.
Today, the "damas” or “big mothers” as the dancers are known, can be found dancing in the early mornings and evenings, blasting their stereos, waving fans and scarves, while jitterbugging, waltzing and jiving.
Fuck, you just sent me down a rabbit hole on Chinese Christian cults. Did you know the first big one one (school stabbing) happened only 2 hours before Sandy Hook?
The guy who did it was from the Eastern Lighting church which is connected pretty heavily to doomsday cultism and you can trace their new age Christian lineage back to South Bend Indiana.
I will not follow you down that hole.