• duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I’m at the point of emailing recruiters in China to see if I can teach English there. One of them just got back to me this morning. I just can’t take it here anymore. I lead a life that is probably better than 90% of Americans. I’ve lived abroad before and I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to relocate to the other side of the planet. But I also have a family and we live in a very rural area, meaning that we are dead fucking meat if a revolution does actually take place in the USA. The chuds will kill us. We have zero support out here. In an American city, you might have a chance, but not out in the boonies.

    I don’t see anything getting better in America. It looks like we’re a few months away from total economic collapse. Either that, or someone in my family is going to get fucked up from covid sooner or later.

    I’m very conflicted about this and honestly don’t know what the right choice is. It’s possible I’ll just stay here. It’s possible everything will just kind of continue to suck in the same way that it’s sucked since the pandemic began. But all of us here know that things can also get a lot worse than they already are.

    This is the site I’m using if anyone else wants to go to China:
