• JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Honestly I just live for each day. Thankfully I don't have kids so it's not as bad as it could be. But I focus my energy on improving things around me if I can. I just try to do the best I can to be happy about the present and find things productive or just fun.

    I use to dwell on the future in an extremely unhealthy (but understandable) way for too long. Maybe 4 years ago or so I read Deep Adaptation and it sent me into a spiral of depression for a long time. The best way I found to alleviate a lot of the anxiety was just helping people or things around me. The first thing that worked for me was doing beach and forest clean up stuff with a group I found on meetup.com. I met some cool people eventually and they invited me to other community based things and it helped me feel less hopeless being more involved with people who are constantly motivated to improve things even if it's a drop in the bucket of all the problems in the world.

    The burden of all that stuff isn't on my (or your) shoulders and I use to let it feel like it was. It took time but a big part is just accepting some things are just going to suck and my response it to do stuff that that even just slightly improves things around me. The anxiety isn't completely gone but finding an avenue to channel some of that into an positive helped me stop worrying constantly about it.

    Good luck, just remember you're only one person and just try your best to make the best of things. Letting the future control your present state of mind too much isn't usually going to accomplish anything and it becomes a feedback loop that is hard to break.