What do you do now?

  • effervescent [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Establish a small commission to rifle through HR files of employees, current and former. Purge the sex pests, consequently have to restaff the entire core lineup, and then contact the most disgruntled leftist ex-employees to find a figurehead for the CNN rebrand of "rebuilding trust with the people". Make it an obvious shitshow so that the spectacle makes it worth keeping on the air. Let the figurehead in on the game and slowly build up "both sides" coverage. The socdem side of things will be mask-on marxists and revolutionary anarchists who refuse to disavow Antifa, Bernie Bros, etc, then go full left-wing Fox News to any and all controversy that breaks out. Meanwhile, have a "right winger" who's more of a libertarian conspiracist type. They have a main show that's standard ancap lite shit. Think old-school Anonymous, pirate party, "apolitical" type stuff. That person has a crossover show with the figurehead in the style of Crossfire as well as another show where they have on Marxists to debate. Give the standard fare a platform in the name of "transparency" and "freedom of speech". I'd probably have to do some "patriotic socialism" bullshit so I can accuse anyone who opposes it of hating America. Heavily gatekeep all the fascists currently using that term.

    Now you'll have fascists who see what's going on for what it is: The thing they've been claiming liberals have been doing all along, but for real. And they'll hatewatch Guy Fawkes Anchor #4 and be taken aback when he starts doing the "you gotta hand it to him" stuff about their favorite fash bois. "He's going a bit too socialist for me, but you've gotta respect blah blah blah." Or you can have the socdems do this ironically as a joke. This last technique I stole from a TikToker who spent several months doxxing January 6th hogs to amass an audience of hate-watchers only to ironically praise Tucker Carlson with the Internationale playing in the background as he did his faux populism schtick. It's fucking ghoulish because it's wrong, but it also shot up search results for "Is Tucker Carlson a socialist?" up by several orders of magnitude.

    You're not going to get away with turning CNN communist, but you can absolutely use the platform to disrupt present fascist figureheads and make it harder for them to organize. And you can build up the sort of liberal-proofing that fascists tend to have, at least with socdems. Plenty of coverage of foreign elections in a positive light. Encourage fascist splitting wherever possible. Constantly cover stories about how all the fascist leaders and organizers are feds. About how their numbers are small and weak. Do the thing to fascists that they want to do to all the marginalized people they seethe about: make them invisible and pitiful to the average viewer.