I've been thinking a bunch lately about technological increases in productive efficiency, and about some of the different ways that the capitalist pigs scheme to retain control over newfound profits through their manipulation of the means of production.

For example, I remember reading years ago that because of the increase in productivity associated with the modernization of washing machines, modern laundry detergent products are actually way more effective than they need to be (and that their marketing implies). When the bottle tells you to fill up the cap to the marked line, that's actually way more detergent than you need to use for a regular ass load of laundry. Like you literally need somewhere like a third or half of the "recommended" amount of detergent that it says on the bottle lol.

This is because the detergent producers’ profits are tailored to the status quo of their production; if consumption was suddenly halved, the company would have a crisis of overproduction that would eat into their profit margin. obviously this didn't simply happen all at once - but the small increases in efficiency created by the technological boom was not met with an appropriate rise in wages.

I want to start trying to investigate more examples of these situations and products that have been bent to the bourgeoisies' benefit rather than the proles'. I think that trying to become aware of these things is the first step to agitating around concrete ways that people can reclaim value created by these ‘hidden efficiencies,’ as I’ve currently taken to calling them. I'm also very open to suggestions for names that are more clear lol.

What are some hidden efficiencies you’ve noticed in your area of study, profession, or interest?

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    i always buy phones with the highest possible battery life. been using the same one for 7 years with no problem as a result. no need to swap out the battery if it just lasts forever and takes forever to degrade :think-about-it: i think theyll probably be rebuilding the network infrastructure before i need to replace this thing. 120 dollars for 7 years, id say thats a good deal. but its gonna last longer than that. and i dont have to worry about buying a new battery all the time cause its shorting out

    • RainbowDash [they/them]
      3 years ago

      But can you play gatcha games :think-about-it: can you play rwby amity arena

      • kristina [she/her]
        3 years ago

        why would i ever do that

        also pretty sure you can emulate android on your computer if you really needed it