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  • The_Walkening [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    IIRC the official cause of death was due to vitamin E in weed vape cartridges, which was used to make the fluid thicker.

    • StalinistApologist [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Hmm. I'm down for a good conspiracy theory and the timing kind of works, but I would have to look into the sources more to believe it's covid and not vitamin E thickening..

      • The_Walkening [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        True - though even if it wasn't a cover-up itself it'd follow that it's a more visible cause of respiratory illness, and so would probably get some press during an early wave of COVID-19.

        • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Yeah I'm thinking that it was a very early wave that then mutated to become worse later on. It's just not extreme enough to be like the Covid that we saw in 2020.

      • Wordplay [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah this is probably the weakest point for the conspiracy. It would require that pathologists across the US failed to draw a connection between the "vape-lung" symptoms and a virus for something like 2700 cases and over 50 deaths. Likewise, the scale of conspiracy required for there to be rampant states-wide COVID, in the form of the variant found in Wuhan, and no epidemiologists picking up on it, borders on absurd.

        That being said, that there were multiple outbreaks of a mysterious respiratory illness in close proximity to Fort Detrick can be damning enough. Like other posters said, it is substantial if there are legitimate competing origin theories that implicate the US.

        Obviously, regardless of origin, that some nations adopted psychopathic public health policies, and others, not, is definitely primarily relevant. And the sources for a lot of OP's points need to be examined, because pushing this theory can be dangerous, given that it couples nicely with batshit-insane conspiracies like 'the great reset' that obfuscate real power relations and undermine a marxist analysis.

        I just dont know - if we assume that all of OP's claims about the events do actually involve COVID, and that most of those events were caused by deliberate and malevolent actions, then why? What does a military or CIA intelligence operation stand to gain from a widespread, out-of-control epidemic? There are much simpler ways to drum up propaganda against China. And shock-doctrine style manufactured crises that benefit the elite really seem unnecessary when natural crises and global destabilization from climate change are already occurring more and more frequently. Maybe I'm missing something?

        But conversely, if these events did involve COVID and were largely due to incompetence rather than deliberation, I just don't see it happening, for the aforementioned reasons that the sheer scale of incompetence would have had to have been tremendous. Maybe American medical and public health institutions are just that bad?

        • yellowparenti5 [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          Likewise, the scale of conspiracy required for there to be rampant states-wide COVID, in the form of the variant found in Wuhan, and no epidemiologists picking up on it, borders on absurd.

          Why is it absurd? Are you saying US medical care is actually good? Better than China who is used to dealing with stuff like SARS?