• Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      6 months ago

      Okay it was like maybe 3 or 4 people but tbf they were VERY aggressive posters.

        • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
          6 months ago

          If I recall they managed to talk a few people into agree with them, if half assedly. They were here and they rose a stink, that can't be denied. They've all gone quiet now cuz PatSocs turned out to be a pathetic LaRousite Op that died before it became anything.

          • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
            6 months ago

            I've always been fascinated by LaRouche. Not in an positive way, I just think the movement was interesting.

            • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
              6 months ago

              It's frankly a bizarre group that Im personally convinced is an Op, like I suspect the number of actual genuine LaRoushites is tiny, most of their leadership are probably Feds.

                • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
                  6 months ago

                  Yeah but I'm still pretty sure their leadership is all Fed. There's even evidence that LaRouche himself was a fed, his bodyguard and close confidant was confirmed an FBI informant.