• LoudMuffin [he/him]
        3 years ago

        wtf BASED? where to start with Star Trek?

        edit: lol https://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=177144

          • AMWB [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Apparently I am a masochist. But it was worth it to read the theory bombing from Wellsy on page 2. It's a long-ass comment and it's impossible to copy/paste on this shit phone.


            Uphold Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Roddenberry Thought.

            Although this game of body counts won't amount to much other than morbid fascination. In part, because such violence and death is abstracted entirely from the conditions in which they occurred and thus given significance. Made so abstract is like family conflict scales that measure every incidence of violence as if all kinds of violence are considered morally equal by all persons. I could speak of death tolls in a war but leave implied whose deaths were the 'bad' deaths and the others were a necessary sacrifice of the conflict. To which every ruling class readily spills the blood of it's people.


            Indeed that lesson has been all too tardily learned by the people and their leaders. One great source of the strength of the ruling class has ever been their willingness to kill in defence of their power and privileges. Let their power be once attacked either by foreign foes, or domestic revolutionists, and at once we see the rulers prepared to kill, and kill, and kill. The readiness of the ruling class to order killing, the small value the ruling class has ever set upon human life, is in marked contrast to the reluctance of all revolutionists to shed blood.

            The French Reign of Terror is spoken of with horror and execration by the people who talk in joyful praise about the mad adventure of the Dardanelles. And yet in any one day of battle at the Dardanelles there were more lives lost than in all the nine months of the Reign of Terror.

            Should the day ever come when revolutionary leaders are prepared to sacrifice the lives of those under them as recklessly as the ruling class do in every war, there will not be a throne or despotic government left in the world. Our rulers reign by virtue of their readiness to destroy human life in order to reign; their reign will end on the day their discontented subjects care as little for the destruction of human life as they do.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 years ago

          Star with next gen either at season three or at the start knowing it's gonna be rough for those first two, bad episodes are an essential part of the trek experience. Then I'd say watch a best of list of the original series, then the TOS movies and the ln DS9. After that it doesn't matter

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      EHHHHHHH. That's late life Gene Roddenberry who was a massive list but also he was getting early onset dementia and stuff at that time. Gene is a complicated as fuck dude.

      • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Gene using the need for a protracted peoples war to explain why Ferengi need comically large penises.