Also, Happy Holidays :meow-bounce:

  • JamesConeZone [they/them]
    3 years ago

    some deep fact about society or theology

    an eternal, all-powerful deity becoming human, God with us, birthed of a human mother in a feeding trough, to rid humanity of its inhumanity


    • star_wraith [he/him]
      3 years ago

      to rid humanity of its inhumanity

      Most Christians would say it was only to rid a small subset of humanity of it's inhumanity, giving them eternal bliss in heaven; while for the rest of humanity it means you get eternal torment. i.e. Jesus becoming human allows the opportunity to avoid eternal torment, not the actual giving of it. So kinda like how Americans have access to freedom, not real freedom.

      The "peace on earth good will towards men" is pure marketing.