I really want an answer to this from people who are not reddit-brained libs. I have seen some good points elsewhere about this contributing to a cycle of abuse and control, causing parents to withdraw their kids from school to beg instead, etc., but if someone is desperate enough to humiliate themselves by begging on the street, shouldn't we give to them? Or should I feel bad that I did give to them?

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    8 months ago

    i'd rather give money to someone who doesn't need it than [...]

    Even that benign scenario is extremely unlikely to happen. Anyone with too much money has better ways of making money.

    "You fool! That's Warren Buffet you just gave $20 to! He has this side hustle where he puts on dirty clothes and tricks people on the street out of their money. He learned it at Davos."