According to Section IX of Ukraine’s 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty:

The Ukrainian SSR solemnly declares its intention of becoming a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs and adheres to three nuclear free principles: to accept, to produce and to purchase no nuclear weapons.

    6 months ago

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    When I see a Yogthos post with more comments than up votes. Anyone notice the lib got tired of hopping between his 4 other accounts to upvote all his own comments about half way through his replies?

        6 months ago

        You're not missing much, usual lib smugness about how we're all literally Hitler because we all love Putin so much or something. The only funny part is how NOT MAD this guy is and how much he's been very loudly announcing that he's IGNORING ALL THE TANKIES for several hours now.

            • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
              6 months ago

              I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's the one with the admin from the Baltic states who thought about defederating but then didn't. Pretty sure overseasoned_meatbrain blocked a bunch of us because we've probably bullied the shit out of him at some point or another. Let me try an experiment.

     you're a salty dipshit who's entire political education comes being completely ignorant, historically illiterate, and being spoonfed what to believe like a baby with a foul slurry of internet memes and youtube videos. If Plato was alive today he would look at you and say you are the living embodiment of his allegory of the cave. You are a toad trapped in a well that thinks the small circle of sky overhead is the entirety of the sky and the water you sit in is the deepest ocean in existence.

              • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
                6 months ago

                Hmm. I swear I've seen that username or one very, very similar to it on a different platform also doing very mad pro-Ukraine posting. Pretty sure it was on reddit-logo, or some Discord server associated with one of the communities there. But can't remember, or find anything with a brief search.

            • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
              6 months ago

              The little multi-colored star can get us Hexbear users to the original thread.

              Don't miss the best part of us getting some passive-aggressive fan mail from the lib:

              EDIT #2: ... Come on guys, where’s your teeth? Don’t more of you care about your cause? The hexbear communities are much better at this and they’re actually trolls

      6 months ago

      Wow, so it isn't libs trying to tell each other to ignore the "tankies" it's just one guy, telling himself to do that with sockpuppets. That's uhh...that's really sad actually.

  • DankZedong
    6 months ago

    Reading back three hours of liberal content was not how I'd imagined spending my morning drinking my tea. Good morning to you guys too.

    6 months ago

    I'm still tryna figure out why homeboy wants to believe the same people who said there were WMDs in Iraq 😂

      6 months ago

      Because he's on the right side of history! You damn tankies don't get it! USA good, enemies of USA bad! Sure they might lie to their people, invade sovereign nations and make a mockery of human rights, but the bad guy countries do all that stuff and worse! The USA's media told me so!

      I think he just is trying to say inflammatory things for a ban so he can jerk himself off over how much smarter he is than those "intolerant tankies" and is getting really mad that our mods find him so pathetic they can't even be bothered to ban him.

    6 months ago

    Holy shit, the lib has been doing this "I'm totally not mad and I don't care about your opinions and am not going to respond to you evil tankies anymore!" thing for 2 fucking hours at this point.

      6 months ago

      Show fed
      Interns have to get some OT to show their boss how good they are at licking boot. This pasty losers sitting in some shitty cubicle surrounded by a half dozen other losers all trying to one up each other.

    6 months ago

    I don't mean to spam the comment section, but OH MY GOD HE'S STILL DOING IT GUYS!!! Yog, excellent post. The lib is out in force. Just one of them, but still.

      6 months ago

      I think most of them would last this long if they weren't banned fairly quickly. But this guy keeps screaming to be banned over an over, so it's funny to just let them stew in their own impotent temper tantrum.

        6 months ago

        I honestly cannot get my head around it. I have never argued with someone consecutively for more than like fifteen minutes, not even about Gaza. Meanwhile this guy has been going for hours just hitting refresh. If you google "terminally online," this guy's picture pops up.

        I think the most remarkable thing about this one is their insistence that they're "done arguing with the red fash tankie scum" and just not committing at all. It's just bizarre. I responded to his comment, and I was certain he would see and read it eventually since they sees to be the kind of person who can't help themselves. But literally within minutes they read it and responded. I couldn't believe it.

        I got tested for ADHD a while back, and the shrink administered a very basic impulse exam to me, where if the dot flashed below the line, you didn't click, and if it flashed above, you clicked. This guy would click without a flash. They would just mash the button, I'm sure. It is so funny.

          6 months ago

          Yeah, I think it is just impulsive. They don't seem to be trying to save face or reframe their argument, I've seen no moving of the goalposts with this one, literally just saying that they are better than the evil tankies for refusing to read anything they say.

          They either have 0 self-awareness and honestly think it's a slam-dunk argument to both call people an echo-chamber and refuse to read anything that contradicts their own viewpoint, or maybe,

          They might be doing this on purpose. I think they're fishing for a ban, that's why they're especially obnoxious, they're trying to get a ban so they can go back to or whatever and talk about how the evil tankies banned them for "disagreeing with them." I'm guessing they want to be congratulated by like minded bootlickers for their matyrdom.

            6 months ago

            That could very well be the case. Regardless, like comrade Catradora said, they just need to climb down from the cross. It's clearly not working if that's what they're after.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      6 months ago

      I really love how they've internalized the whole idea that they're being prosecuted even though they're the dominant voice in the mainstream. Any time they see something that doesn't fit into their carefully curated fantasy world, they have a meltdown.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    6 months ago

    The Ukrainian SSR has to rejoin the USSR. It's the law.

    • voight [he/him, any]
      6 months ago

      What do you think made this old woman so pro Russia she would go back to fight against the forces of the post-Maidan govt even after they electrocuted her through the kidneys?

    • Trudge [Comrade]
      6 months ago

      There's very little pro-Russia posters here believe it or not. It's that we don't go by you're with us or against us American style politics.

      People here make pro Russia posts in this instance because they're protecting the people of Donbass and because we're anti-NATO.

      I don't think you've met many pro-Russian people because they're posting epic footages of Ukronazis being owned by superior Russian military, copious amounts of Z's, and praise for Putin for bringing back traditional family values instead of removed western LGBT morals.

      6 months ago

      A Marxist understanding of capitalism leads to anti-imperialism. Anti-imperialism is understood by detractors as a simple rhetorical dressing over simplistic heuristics like “reflexive anti-americanism,” “history repeats itself,” and “the military-industrial complex needs contracts,” but all of these are reductive. Marxists understand that human political leadership in the imperial periphery, whether enlightened or tyrannical, will only be antagonized by empire for one single possible reason: it is getting in the way of market penetration. This is phrased succinctly by Kevin Dooley when criticizing Noam Chomsky’s support for a military alliance between the Kurds and the USA in Syria: “The difference between [Chomsky’s] position and a hard-line anti-imperialist position isn’t tactical. What he’s arguing is simply a violation of anti-imperialist principles based on a fundamentally different understanding of what can drive the empire to act in the world.” [16]

      The accusation that anti-imperialists are unconcerned with human rights deserves a sharp rebuke. The USA was born of slavery and genocide, dropped atomic bombs as a matter of political brinkmanship, imported Nazi scientists and installed war criminals like Klaus Barbie and Nobusuke Kishi around the world to defend and advance anti-communist positions [17], and enthusiastically supports gruesome butcherers today. Simply put, Capital has destroyed innumerable countries and murdered hundreds of millions directly and indirectly. It is precisely a concern for the rights of humans that should make one immediately skeptical of any humanitarian posturing by Capital. Anti-imperialism not only means support for the important pro-social projects of states like Cuba, Vietnam, and China; it also means critical support for non-socialist states such as Iran and Russia. Critical support acknowledges that, though instituting various indefensible policies, enemies of empire are not being antagonized because of said policies. The only thing that can drive empire to act in the world is capital accumulation.
