Theres been a lot of talk about this film and my own thoughts have been pretty conflicted regarding how to weigh the good and bad aspects of it, and I think this critique does a good job at addressing a lot of the things ive had problems with the film, mainly its underlying liberal rhetoric and the shortcomings of its American-centric narratives. Dont get me wrong I think its a good film and all, but theres some very real limitations to its overall commentary that I think we all need to be thinking about seriously.

  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think the movie does a good job of making fun of both conservatives and liberals and showing how basically we are all gonna die if they keep being in charge of it all, though i think it falters in analyzing the way the current western capitalist global hegemony is structured and how it functionally rules the world. The fact that the current system is inept and dysfunctional is true, but its very easy to just come out of it with a technocratic understanding of what needs to be done (just elect more "capable" technocrats). The analogy with the comet misses an important mark regarding climate change being the fault of this global capitalist system, and without that analysis there's no chance at stopping it.