• CommunistBear [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, driving is pretty chill to me. Like, if I need to relax and not think about stuff then driving is a surprisingly good way for me to do that. There's a lot going on but that scratches a video game like itch in my brain. The only time driving really gets stressful is in heavy traffic and that's more because I want to rip my hair out and just go. Also where I am the speed limit is more of a suggestion so as long as I'm going a similar speed as traffic around me I don't really worry about it. 5-10 over the limit is pretty much the baseline.

    I've got a really good sense of direction ever since I was a kid so I generally know where I am at all times. And if I've been to a place once I can get there again with no problems. Occasionally I get turned around on particularly confusing areas when google maps is being slow though but it's pretty rare.

    I am cursed to own a car but at least I do get some mild enjoyment out of it.