"Bringing Left 4 Dead into your marketing mix also brings in the expectations of Left 4 Dead, thus opening yourself up to a lot more criticism." -Adam Sessle...
Capitalism breeds innovation. Here's B4B, a supposed "spiritual successor" to a classic that ends up feeling like a cheap ripoff. It brings nothing new to the conversation other than a few new maps, new voicelines that aren't imaginative and guns..? the rest is pretty much L4D copied and pasted with little to no thought given to it.
The industry keeps shitting games like these, lacking imagination, creativeness, any sort of magic or spirit. Capitalism makes the gaming industry produce games like if it was an actual factory, an actual assembly line, you just mass produce games. What happens when you mass produce is that you lose quality, eventually the "average game" is going to be shit but it's price wont reflect that, it'll be sold as it was a gem or something. I think the problem goes far beyond B4B, an insanely shitty game, this is industry-wide.
Well, it's natural with Capitalism anyway. Bland, boring and useless shit is produced over and over again, everything is commodified, arts, music, all mass produced and the quality just keeps dropping.
I wasn't sure if it was just me getting older, but games really have felt bland as hell for a long time now. I wish people had the time to make the games that they actually wanted to make.
Capitalism breeds innovation. Here's B4B, a supposed "spiritual successor" to a classic that ends up feeling like a cheap ripoff. It brings nothing new to the conversation other than a few new maps, new voicelines that aren't imaginative and guns..? the rest is pretty much L4D copied and pasted with little to no thought given to it.
The industry keeps shitting games like these, lacking imagination, creativeness, any sort of magic or spirit. Capitalism makes the gaming industry produce games like if it was an actual factory, an actual assembly line, you just mass produce games. What happens when you mass produce is that you lose quality, eventually the "average game" is going to be shit but it's price wont reflect that, it'll be sold as it was a gem or something. I think the problem goes far beyond B4B, an insanely shitty game, this is industry-wide.
Well, it's natural with Capitalism anyway. Bland, boring and useless shit is produced over and over again, everything is commodified, arts, music, all mass produced and the quality just keeps dropping.
I wasn't sure if it was just me getting older, but games really have felt bland as hell for a long time now. I wish people had the time to make the games that they actually wanted to make.
Don't forget about cosmetics, microtransactions, battle passes and other lovely live service features