Which tends to come first? I truly don't know, because considering the overlap on places like 4chan/8chan, Quora, and Reddit, I really wonder which the :le-pol-face: start with and which one is picked up later.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I was :LIB: enough to have high high hopes, :pete: style, that after Obama was elected, that the Dubya years were over and that the post 9/11 madness was finally at an end.

      I don't recall any of my fellow Obama enthusiasts in my social circles being THAT into him, though. The "god emperor" thing seems more :frothingfash: than :maybe-later-kiddo: .

      But then again there WERE and STILL ARE :hillary: stans with donut emojis on their tweets that might fit your description.

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Had a guy in one of my classes who was sure that Obama was gonna end the war in Afghanistan, we just had to make sure to vote extra good

        Time is a flat circle resting on the back of a colossal, yet indifferent turtle