Which tends to come first? I truly don't know, because considering the overlap on places like 4chan/8chan, Quora, and Reddit, I really wonder which the :le-pol-face: start with and which one is picked up later.

  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Fascists like having power over people and they seek out the most vulnerable and exploitable people to do this to.

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Vulgar marxism incomming

      In addition where they have materially/socially hierarchies they will use them for personal gain and punishment and see nothing wrong with it. After all they are ordained to be in this position by "The Authority". At the same time infractions against they feel against that hierarchy are seen as infractions against them, i.e. when someone denies your abuse and overreach of hierarchy (examples include also fascist adjacent occupations / people, like teachers - who doesn't remember that one who was feeling insulted to the core when they were corrected?; the boss when you correct them on details of your contract?).

      Furthermore the research done in authoritarian personalities do show that fascists aren't just fascists cause the material conditions at one point in time are so that they are become fascists, but they carry a lot of seeds for it with them. Partially from their childhood and what social and material relations and Überbau/superstructure they experienced then, so not showing your kid that violence and obedience is the go to way is helpful. You might end up with :pete: if parents highlight liberal principles too much ("no violence") without having them be deconstructed in the child's experience.

      Still a lot of opportunists do become fascists and once one got there it is hard to get them out of it and to have restitutive justice. I find interesting how the petit bourgeosie (shop owners, some "skilled" labour aristocrats, middle rank soldiers) on one hand and some great capitalists - often of the national kind - were supporting the Nazis even though it wasn't popular among the majority, nor where they getting immediate material benefits from it, that only came later. The presentation to fix slights and other others though was there fast - as was the physical violence against people you don't align with.

      The important thing though is to keep in mind that the game (capitalism) makes those people. While the German Ideology says that the material conditions act on the individuals and the individuals act on the material conditions it isn't that you can just change the conditions alone - for that the actor of history; the working class; is needed.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I've seen that in the online wild, too. I've seen concern trolls going full :frothingfash: about how the gays and trans people were all child predators, while their user names were often references to :sus-torment: tier kiddie creeper anime.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          3 years ago

          That's already happened in at least one school jurisdiction that now has mandatory strip searches and genital groping. You know, for the children and the sacred integrity of sportsball. :agony-4horsemen:

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Pedophiles seek out power and authority so they can take advantage of it to further their desires, so I think it's a Pedo to Fascist pipeline

    Sort of like how cult leaders invariably turn out to be sex pests

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Sounds like how :libertarian-approaching: tend to want to diddle kids to begin with then find the political ideology that says it's okay to do so.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I remember when :trump-anguish: was first running against :hillgasm: one of the most common :le-pol-face: rallying cries around their god emperor was "He will make anime real!" and as soon as the election was over, they said "We elected a meme!" :so-true:

          Chan culture is all about being "ironic" until it's safe to be otherwise. I wonder how many :thicc-trump: voters from the :stupidpol: demographic really did imagine some brave new world where they'd get assigned child tradwife slaves.

          It sounds absurd, I know, but then again :jordan-eboy-peterson: , famously against social safety nets and basically government doing anything but killing and spying on people, once said that maybe :le-pol-face: may have to be assigned government "girlfriends" so they'd stop shooting up schools and so on.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I was :LIB: enough to have high high hopes, :pete: style, that after Obama was elected, that the Dubya years were over and that the post 9/11 madness was finally at an end.

              I don't recall any of my fellow Obama enthusiasts in my social circles being THAT into him, though. The "god emperor" thing seems more :frothingfash: than :maybe-later-kiddo: .

              But then again there WERE and STILL ARE :hillary: stans with donut emojis on their tweets that might fit your description.

              • FlakesBongler [they/them]
                3 years ago

                Had a guy in one of my classes who was sure that Obama was gonna end the war in Afghanistan, we just had to make sure to vote extra good

                Time is a flat circle resting on the back of a colossal, yet indifferent turtle

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        You ever want to get real depressed, look up some stories from ex-mormons

        Whole religion is basically designed for dudes to be able to abuse their families and get away with it

        And that's not even getting into the polygamist splinter cells out in the sticks

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Don't know which comes first but the right gets down with pedophilia because they're obsessed with the idea of a child bride. It's real blackpill shit, they've turned their backs on adult women because they seek out the purity of children they can groom. eugh, just typing this shit out is gross.

  • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
    3 years ago

    impossible and frankly unimportant to know. like you're already gonna call fash pedos and that doesn't necessarily help us against them.

    abuse emerges from hierarchy and obviously fascists are extremists on hierarchy enforcement but liberals and socialists maintain them too. without radical reimaginations of the enforcement of the dictatorship of the proletariat there will/are guaranteed abuses that take place. without radically reimagining families, education, etc. there's guaranteed child abuse, even under a socialist revolutionary state.

    making abuse a fascist trait mystifies the fundamental cause and doesn't help us uproot it.

  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Start with the universal axiom: everything they say is projection

    We can then deduce that the far-right's above-and-beyond hatred of pedophiles is simply an expression of their inner pedophilic nature. Just as their virulent hatred of homosexuals is very often an expression of their inner homosexuality, which they seek to quash because it makes them feel inadequate via the paradigm of socially-constructed masculinity.

    this is not to compare pedophilia and homosexuality (only the first has a victim) nor is it to say that pedophilia is okay (it's not, however the farright fixates on it to an almost comical degree, similar to"communists" or "jews"--and you'll find that everything they accuse communists/jews of doing are literally exactly the things that they themselves are doing).

    Another far-right tactic is to equate pedophilia WITH homosexuality, basically a twofer. "Pedophilia is how gays reproduce" is a common far-right cope.

    wignats are just insecure NPCs who lie to themselves via psychological projection, and libertarians are a similar type of person, except honest with themselves (still need to be merc'd tho).

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      basically if I were to distill it:

      leftist: "I'm doing bad thing, and want to improve, however there exists much worse thing so I focus that"
      liberal: "I'm not doing bad thing. lalalalalalalala plugs ears"
      libertarian: "bad thing? you mean good thing!"
      far right: Thinks about doing bad thing 24/7 "THEY are doing bad thing"

      where "bad" can mean "actual bad" (like violence or pedophilic acts) or "perceived to be bad in that person's mind" (like homosexuality etc)

  • rubpoll [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I think shitty sociopathic people who crave power over others easily become either and/or both.

    Wanting violent power over someone you deem mentally and physically inferior to you is a description of both of fascism and child molesters.

  • culpritus [any]
    3 years ago

    it's all about ownership, and because ownership has become ever more legally abstracted over time, they get really anxious about finding some material way of having a dominating ownership relation to get their kicks

  • Bloobish [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Like Schrödinger's cat they are in a superposition, until observed at which point the waveform collapses and it turns out they were both all along to no one's surprise.

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      3 years ago

      not all pedophiles are fascists, and there are probably fascists that aren't pedophiles(probably). pedophilic feelings can occur in anyone regardless of their personal attitudes and political beliefs. it just takes really bad people to act on it.

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        true, though I think pedophilia exists in that power dynamic of an individual committing an act due to their desire for that unequal power dynamic allowing said abuse. fascists I feel live alongside that or a similar power dynamic of abuse.

  • Exalted [he/him,she/her]
    3 years ago

    i would guess the latter happens more, becoming a fascist to justify shitty behavior.

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It is a self perpetuating cycle. On 4chan the idea a nieve gi is prozed because you don't have to otherwise socially sucessful to impress one. Which is about as a high a bar as a NEET could imagine passing so that is reinforced.

    Howver for conservative society in general they demonize sex. So then a sexless woman, a girl to young to be sexualized, is the ideal partner.

    You get weird religous hyper fixations, and material historical forces playing in there creating weird combinations and you have whar we get.

    Monogamy being financially advantageous is just one externality of patriarchal resource allocation.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It took only seconds for :le-pol-face: to go from this:

      1. Craving utterly helpless and naive victims to creep upon because he didn't know how to flirt with adult women with fully formed brains.

      to this:

      1. Announcing that every :quark: feeeeemale that wasn't an utterly helpless and naive child was corrupted by SJWs/feminism/(((them))) and that it was his moral imperative to coerce children and turn them into tradwife slaves. :disgost: